The Trust Guidebook
by Julian Stodd
Price: £9.99 / $12.99 + p&p
Paperback Edition
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Trust is complex, perhaps best viewed as a dynamic landscape. From our respective vantage points, we can all see across it, but as we hike through the terrain we experience different conditions underfoot, tread different paths, and take unique views.
In this Guidebook, Julian Stodd leads the reader through 12 aspects of the ‘Landscape of Trust’, exploring the best ways to understand it, and to share stories as we go. And through this, find out how to lead, and to engage with trust.
This Guidebook is one of a series, each of which explores different aspects of Organisational design, and change, and is a companion to Julian’s related ‘The Trust Sketchbook’.
These are shared as part of #WorkingOutLoud: all are under 10,000 words, and include sections on ‘what you need to know’, and ‘what you need to do about it’.

Also Available
The Social Leadership Handbook 2nd Edition is the definitive guide to Social Leadership. Exploring all aspects of Social Leadership in depth, the book introduces the concepts and a full curriculum for development, creating a framework for learning and exploring the nine skills of a Social Leader, and the ways we can develop and hone them. It will prove invaluable on your journey. Now available in hardback and eBook editions on Amazon.
by Julian Stodd